Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Brick House

Jason was getting dressed this morning, when he had to stop mid-way for a potty break. He got to Ainsley shirtless, and put her on the potty. The conversation that ensued:

Ainsley: Daddy, you don't have boobs.

Daddy: That's right. I don't have boobs.

A: Mommy has the boobs.

D: Mmm hmm.

A: Mommy took the boobs to work.

D: Yes. Mommy took the boobs to work.

A: And Mommy will bring the boobs home tonight.

D: That's right. Mommy will bring the boobs home tonight.


Unknown said...

I am really, really, trying to not burst out laughing right now...

Anonymous said...

Sweet, now you can bring home the bacon and the boobs...